First of all my girlfriends who have been harassing encouraging me for months to create a Facebook account...

I seriously hate you.

I had two things I was waiting purposely till after the New Year to start -- Facebook and Twilight. I was going to wait till every trace of Christmas was gone from the house and I could take a breather and just relax. (Buuuwwaaahhhahahhhaaa!! Funny.)

You all might as well just give up on this blog. I am serious. I will not have time to do anything else, ever again, in my entire life, because of this stinkin' site:

Plan for last night:

Put the Bub to bed.
Check blog.
Fold some laundry.
Take tree down.
Pick up.
Take every last bit of Xmas to the basement.
Take a bath.

What that plan turned into:

Put the Bub to bed.
Check e-mail, get another request to "join."
Spend every waking minute till 12:30 a.m. on CRACKBOOK FACEBOOK.

I hate you. I do.

What I hate more is I LOVE THIS SITE.


Next, I plan to read this book. Which in turn will make me want to read the next three, IMMEDIATELY, like go-to-Borders-at-10 p.m.-when-I-finish-each-one kind of immediately:
I have heard all about this series and then Sister bought them...and was obsessed. I don't want to get obsessed! I just want to read a good book!

Is there any hope for me? Is there any way that I will really still love my husband after I am done, and not want a vampire to come sweep me away? Really, I love my husband a lot and would like to keep it that way.

So do you Facebook?? Have you read Twilight?? I am making a promise that I will not abandon my home, my projects, and you...I will figure out to make time to do my fun stuff, even it it means I get two hours of sleep a night. It is my pledge to you.

Now, I must go see who has written on my wall. See ya.


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